reservation - Armanda and Casa Giamba

Armanda affittacamere
Casa Giamba Bed & Breakfast
Armanda affittacamere
Casa Giamba Bed & Breakfast
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To make a reservation or availability request, fill in the form on the page.
We will respond by e-mail (or fax) as soon as possible.
The data marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

The Municipality of Vernazza has approved the establishment of the tourist tax (from March 1st to October 31st). This tax has come into force since 2015 and consists of payment of € 3,00 per person per night for the first three (3) days of stay. Children under the age of 11, guides and drivers from groups staying in the municipality are exempt from payment. This is a tax purpose and the proceeds will be fully invested by the City Administration in projects in the area. Refunds of uncultivated lands, inter-estate roads and reconstruction of dry-stone walls will be financed.


Armanda affittacamere
Piazza G. Marconi, 15
Cod. Fisc. LNRRND41M55L774Z
Cod. CITR: 011030-AFF-0072
Cod. CIN: IT011030C29WPKQHIJ

Casa Giamba B&B
Via A. Del Santo, 72
Cod. CITR: 011030-BEB-0003
Cod. CIN: IT011030B44S3CWH6A

19018 Vernazza, Cinque Terre (SP) - Italy
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